[rescue] uucp

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Fri Jun 10 07:37:37 EDT 2022

>> I would avoid trying to do the real-time audio over the Internet.
>> [...]

> Without doing a lot of testing I can't be certain, but I suspect the
> problem is consumer-class (or SME) routers.  Real-time audio and
> video is routinely done over the Internet; hell I've had a BBC
> outside broadcast unit use my firewall to send their live broadcast
> back to base.  And those guys are /picky/.

I suspect it's also a question of the protocols used.  Your BBC crowd
could, I'd guess, stand a second or two of delay, but would really
object to losing anything, whereas live two-way telephony for use by
untrained humans has trouble with even as much as a couple hundred
milliseconds of delay and typically prefers to drop data that doesn't
arrive in time.  If you have the bandwidth, the former can usually use
TCP; the latter, not so much.

Of course, I also could be mis-guessing for any of various reasons.

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