[rescue] reply to: SCA drives

David Strom dstrom at fastmail.net
Mon Nov 7 09:54:28 EST 2022

Replying to message below.... where are you?  I have a bunch of drives with caddies, and some enclosures, scsi mutli-disk, and a couple of FC multi packs.  FTGH.    And some cards.  And 3 Sunblade 1500s.
Since you were asking about drive enclosures, triggered my reply.  
I'm in Northern NJ.

Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 23:28:12 -0800
From: Thomas Pelki <thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com>
To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Subject: [rescue] i scored a huge box of SCA Hard Drives. id like to
share some with the rest of you
<CACinXYNMM-Z2Em6QPRjzujA2OL7mPfh3Nkx0A2t4-7ogh2y4yA at mail.gmail.com>
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Hi Everybody,

I managed to score a huge box of SCA hard drives, Everything from 1Gb to
73Gb SCA hard drives, most are 1" and a few are 1.6" drives (the box had
over 100 drives ALL tested good), I'm never going to use all of these and
would like to offer them to the group of us for the cost of what I paid for
them or trade for a Sun D1000  or Sun A1000 or other Sun Gear And/Or FC
Enclosure or FC drives.

Is anyone interested?

NOTE: I Don't have any caddies for the drives.


  David Strom
  dstrom at fastmail.net

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