[rescue] Dr. Dobbs Journal

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 19:16:31 EDT 2022

Dunno, but I suspect somewhere back in the day a CD-ROM was likely offered, if it was, I'm sure it's somewhere...

Then again, I think there was a change after the first 6 years or so, so it may be lost to time.

(The books I saw were just scans of pages as originally published back in the 70s.)


> On Sep 7, 2022, at 18:11, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
> On 9/7/22 19:07, Lionel Peterson wrote:
>> I found a small stack of DDJ at a local used book store today, and while I quickly grabbed them and headed for a reading table, I decided to leave them in the store for another buyer.
>> https://photos.app.goo.gl/WzNWkdvikUM8dfLv5 <https://photos.app.goo.gl/WzNWkdvikUM8dfLv5>
>> It was great to flip thru the archives of those early years once again, I had to make a sober assessment of what was actually in the books (lots of Tiny BASIC implementation notes, write-ups about FORTH, and dust-ups over 50 year-old technology) and the likelihood I'd find any time to actually go thru them. I love books about/from the 'early days' (1975 on), but at $75 for the collection, I couldn't do it. I could justify $5-7/book, but they were $15-25/each!
>> Anyone else like looking back at the 'early days'?
>  Oh I love it.  BYTE is my go-to, and occasionally Popular Electronics.
>  I wonder if the DDJ issues have been scanned and made available anywhere, do you know?
>            -Dave
> -- 
> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
> New Kensington, PA
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