[rescue] Dr. Dobbs Journal

Stuff Received stuff at riddermarkfarm.ca
Thu Sep 8 13:10:11 EDT 2022

On 2022-09-07 19:07, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I found a small stack of DDJ at a local used book store today, and 
> while I quickly grabbed them and headed for a reading table, I decided 
> to leave them in the store for another buyer.
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/WzNWkdvikUM8dfLv5
> It was great to flip thru the archives of those early years once 
> again, I had to make a sober assessment of what was actually in the 
> books (lots of Tiny BASIC implementation notes, write-ups about FORTH, 
> and dust-ups over 50 year-old technology) and the likelihood I'd find 
> any time to actually go thru them. I love books about/from the 'early 
> days' (1975 on), but at $75 for the collection, I couldn't do it. I 
> could justify $5-7/book, but they were $15-25/each!
> Anyone else like looking back at the 'early days'?

Back in the day, I purchased copies of the DDJ bound volumes, which 
still bring me joy.  (Mind, the advertisements are not there and looking 
back at those are often fun.)

Another interesing magazine was PJ (Programmer's Journal), which had all 
sorts of interesting stuff (on programming, running a s/w business, ...).


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