[rescue] looking for cable for Sun Sbus Expansion

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Tue Apr 11 13:09:59 EDT 2023

>> I have 2 Sbus Expansion chassis, one Sun, and one Integrix (IIRC).
>> I have the expansion chassis and the sbus controllers, but on both
>> cases I do not have the cables.

> I'm still looking....  [...]

I suspect that will be a frustrating search.  I have heard of cases
where an installation was torn down by people who didn't know and/or
didn't care about things computer and just slashed cables in two as
necessary to get stuff out.  On a few occasions I've acquired hardware
with half the associated cable, one connector and one cut end.

It hurts every time I think about it.

But it does mean that cables will tend to be rarer than the things the
cables connect, at least in cases where the cables are not a commodity
(examples of cases where they _are_ commodities are DB25 or DE9 serial
ports, or the commoner kinds of SCSI).

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