[rescue] sunpc fail

silcreval silvercreekvalley at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 31 12:03:49 EDT 2023

>Does the SunPC software work when the SunPC card is *not* installed? It should do (at least for a DOS session), slowly, as it uses software emulation if the card is not >there. I used to use it exactly that way, back in the 90s.

>If the SunPC software won't even do that,  you have a problem that is not merely with the card itself.
Yes it runs fine without the Accelerator fitted, I get the SunPC window and Caldera OpenDOS starts up. I did try updating to SunPC 4.2 and that works fine (without the card) as well.
With the card fitted, it immediately faults when you run sunpc, and in fact the machine reboots which is pretty severe :/ 
I did test the 486 as its socketed and that works fine, and the clock signals etc all look sane. Its a shame as the cards are not too common. There is nothing obvious that is damaged on the board everything looks good under a magnifier.
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