[rescue] V100 fans

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 19:20:55 EST 2023

I actually got 3x servers, 2 complete units, one missing redundant PS & broken. All three had 192G RAM, I pulled the ram from the parts donor, bought the raid card ($30) and missing SAS cable ($20), and am currently putting one machine through stress testing.

The second has "only" 196G RAM.

The third doesn't boot (takes as parts-donor)

All came with rails & faceplate.

I bought 6x 900G SAS drives for $50 (each Drive had proper drive sled for my server, so about $6/sled, the drives were a'just thrown in! ;^)

(As delivered, the servers had "soft raid" (Intel chipset "raid" on SATA II drives, the servers ram off a SAN/NAS over 10Gb/sec SFP+.)

They were ESXi hosts running flat-out for ten years, a friend pulled them as scrap from their colo, I was happy to take them!

On idle, with 192G they use about 100w, with 384G about 180w.

These are going to be fun to play with.

And +1 on smartOS, it's on the list...


> On Feb 10, 2023, at 17:18, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
> On 2/10/23 18:11, Lionel Peterson via rescue wrote:
>> I was given a "free" 1U Dell x86 server the other day but was worried about the noise level (I've been around many, many 'screaming' 1U x86 servers back in the day), but this 10 year-old r620 server is very quiet. It will live in my garage, and it is only slightly loud, hardly noticeable by comparison.
>> Adding 4x SAS HDs to the previously diskless server barely raised the noise level.
>> (It was too nice to pass up, 2x 8-Core CPUs, 384G RAM, no disk, 2x SFP+ and 2x gigabit Ethernet ports, and enterprise iDRAC that allows virtual console over a browser)
>> I'm impressed at the (low) noise level of these older servers...
>  Wow, for free, and that's no slouch!  That would make a fantastic SmartOS machine.
>           -Dave
> -- 
> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
> New Kensington, PA
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