[rescue] 501-5365 in E3000 causes "Overtemp detected on board 16" during POST

Jonathan Katz jon at jonworld.com
Sat Feb 18 05:38:23 EST 2023

Ugh. Not sure of a silver-bullet answer. The x500 boards should work
in x000 and vice-versa, just at the lower backplane clock speed (50Mhz
vs. 83Mhz, IIRC.)

E3x00 don't have a board 16 (right?) so I'm not sure where it would
get the temp from. Almost sounds like a resistor or surface-mount
capacitor broke off and it's confused, thinking it's in an E6500 or
something. Any bent pins anywhere?

On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 10:32 AM Ethan Hawke via rescue
<rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I picked up a 501-5365 Clock board recently and when installed in one of
> my E3000s it causes an "Overtemp detected on board 16" and then shuts
> off the machine (happens in both my E3000s). All the fans are running
> and it always occurs at the same point, during the "Environmental Probe
> Test". The board is definitely not overheating (and there isn't really
> anything on it to get that hot). I know that the 501-5365 actually
> shipped with the EX500 systems and not the original EX000 systems, but
> the handbook does mention that it is supported in the EX000 machines. Is
> this not true? Is mine faulty? Is there a jumper or modification I need
> to make?
> If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!
> Cheers,
> Ethan
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