[rescue] FTGH: Vax 4000-500A

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Tue Jul 18 11:49:58 EDT 2023

>> It's been a long time since I last posted but I wanted to send out a
>> note in case anyone is close enough and has an interest.  [...]
>> pickup in southern New Brunswick, Canada.
> Too bad it's so far away. :(  Shipping would probably kill me...

Yeah, I'm closer (Ottawa), and my friends courier network has a POP in
St. John (that is, I know some people who collectively could probably
bring it to me, some of them in St. John), and I would love to have a
real-iron VAX.  But I am in a physical space squeeze that isn't likely
to relieve itself anytime soon, so I shouldn't be acquiring more

I really hope someone takes it, though.

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