[rescue] Tips on VME board access

Kenneth Seefried kjseefried at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 16:14:14 EDT 2023

> What makes the VME bus cards so expensive?

Depends on what you're talking about.  The extenders can be expensive
because not so many were ever made so they don't turn up so much; the 9U
format that Sun uses even fewer.  The cards themselves are expensive
partially because they're still used in a lot of in-production embedded
environments that aren't particularly cost sensitive (sure I'll pay $5-10k
for a replacement CPU card for my $1M manufacturing machine).  And, of
course, the eBay places holding onto them see folks like Artesyn selling
boards for thousands of dollars and think they're sitting on a gold mine.
I've been trying to pick up a couple of mc88000 and later mc68000 based VME
cards forever to help with the GCC & LLVM port, but can't justify $500-5000
or more on what's really a quixotic hobby.

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