[rescue] NVRAM replacement on SS20 results in rapid clicking

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Fri Jun 16 12:35:32 EDT 2023

> However I just powered on with no chip and there is no clicking or flashing.$

Did you reprogram it first?  I have an extremely fuzzy memory of seeing
it said that some machines were unhappy upon being fed NVRAM settings
for other models.  I've even seen it said that one way to deal with
this is to power up the machine with no chip, then plug it in hot.
That strikes me as a hair-raisingly risky thing to do, and I've never
tried it myself (never had occasion to - I've had dead NVRAM batteries
aplenty, but I don't think I've never wanted to move a chip between
machine types - and, besides, I'm not sure I'd dare).

I'm assuming you have, as Dave McGuire suggested, made extra-sure that
you didn't get it put in the wrong way around.  That can indeed cause

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