[rescue] Old sci and ide drives

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Mon Mar 13 22:59:50 EDT 2023

>>>>> HP-IB disk that weighed about half what I do
>>>> I suspect that drive ended up with me.  [...]
>>> We have *lots* of stuff that can use it at LSSM, [...]
>> To be fair, I'm not sure it worked even when I gave it away, much
>> less now.  [...]
> We repair drives all the time.

Then, well, if ryan@ is willing, it's just a question of figuring out
between the two of you how to get it to LSSM.  Even if ryan@'s drive
_was_ once mine, I (a) don't feel I have any particular right to say
what happens to it now and (b) would be perfectly fine with it going to
LSSM anyway.

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