[rescue] NCD 88K Xterminal video adapter

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Tue Mar 28 11:36:10 EDT 2023

>> To support fancy fonts, you basically have to make images out of the
>> fonts themselves.
> Yes, but font selection and rendering was all handled in the display
> (server), not rasterized in the client and transmitted over the wire
> to the server.


> I don't know what has happened in the X/linux world to reverse this
> situation,

My impression: fancy fonts happened.  The X font model does not, and
cannot without substantial rework, support "fancy" features like
antialiasing.  Whoever implemented it decided it was better to move
that stuff to the client rather than design and implement an extension
to permit supporting it in the server.  I can only speculate on why.

> but X11 was designed to have the fonts live on the server, not on the
> client.


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