[rescue] IDPROM available

Peter Stokes peter at ashlyn.co.uk
Wed May 17 10:58:27 EDT 2023


The 48t08 and 18 and the M48T58 (can use instead of long dead M48T59) are all still current products for mainstream distis, so no need to reengineer them. The only one that is an issue was the Blade 100/150 NVRAM which I made an adapter board for to use a later Dallas chip.

On the M48T18 offered, I would suspect the battery will be long dead.


Sent from my iPad

> On 17 May 2023, at 15:41, Rob Craig via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> Would be great if someone made a new project for Ultra 10, 20 ,30,60 IDPROMs. Something like this but for Sun :) 
> https://github.com/necroware/nw12887
> I dremell’ed my last one a screwed it up. Don’t want to do it again. 
> Regards,
>> On 17 May 2023, at 16:34, Will Enestvedt via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> I have what I believe is a 48T18 IDPROM, removed from a Sparc 10 or 20.
>>    It's a big chip that says on the bottom:
>> 48T18 A11
>> H444902
>> ...and the top has an orange barcode sticker that says 761214. It looks like the one shown here (on some web page that I found in a Google search):
>>     http://www.styma.org/idprom/IdpromBatteryHack.shtml
>>    I don't need this chip or the carrier it's clicked into. Does someone want it?
>> - Will
>> -- 
>> Will Enestvedt
>> "No matter how it looks at first, it’s always a people problem."
>>   —Gerald M. Weinberg, "Secrets of Consulting"
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