[rescue] Free (for shipping): Sun SunFire V100
Joshua D. Boyd
jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Tue May 23 10:33:44 EDT 2023
Sorry, the machine is now taken.
On May 23, 2023 2:02:49 AM EDT, Thomas Pelki via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>I'll Take it. please send me a email off the list.
>On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 5:59 PM Joshua D. Boyd via rescue <
>rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> Yes, it is SPARC64. This machine used to be jdboyd.net running Solaris
>> 10. It did replace a Netra T1. I gave that machine away a few years ago.
>> On May 20, 2023 4:47:37 PM EDT, Mouse via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org>
>> wrote:
>>> I believe this was working when stored. [...]
>>> Anyway, since I don't think this is a particularly collectable
>>>> machine (but it is relatively quiet and power efficient), [...]
>>> Based on the URL Mike Spooner posted, that's a fairly nice little
>>> machine. Unlike some other SunFire machines, it's a SPARC, not x86,
>>> and a pretty good one. It looks a lot like my Netra t1s, only beefier
>>> (faster CPU and more RAM in particular). I'm having to argue with
>>> myself over asking for it; I really shouldn't be acquiring more
>>> hardware right now, but I hate to see a nice sparc64 machine trashed.
>>> I will set a deadline of claiming it by Tuesday or it gets recycled.
>>> I will be arguing with myself over that. If the "rescue it" voice
>>> doesn't win by Tuesday I guess the "let it go" voice will win by
>>> default.
>>> /~\ The ASCII Mouse
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>>> / \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B
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