[rescue] Free: Sun Enterprise 420R in Austin, TX]

Doug McLaren dougmc at frenzied.us
Sun Nov 12 19:00:49 EST 2023

This is still available to anybody who can come pick it up in person
in the Austin, TX area.

If that doesn't work, I guess I'll throw it up on craigslist for free,
but I suspect it would be more appreciated by this crowd.

4u sized, really heavy.  Not gonna ship it -- you'll have to come pick
it up in person in SW Austin.

I had great plans for it, but ultimately never even plugged it in, so
... time to get it go.

Also, it's got some history here.  Here's the original post for it :

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Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 17:42:55 -0500
From: Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net>
To: geeks at sunhelp.org, rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: [geeks] Available soon: Loaded E420R

It's time for me to get off my butt and finish moving things over to the
T1000; so I'll have a loaded E420R available in Austin within a week or

- E420R
- 4G RAM
- Quad 450Mhz processors
- Dual 350W power supplies
- Dual 18G HDs
- CD-ROM, etc
- No rack rails (sits on a shelf, but I'm keeping the shelf)


(one of the power supplies has a dent in the fan grille, but works fine)

This system has been ohno.mrbill.net/sunhelp.org for the past 3.5 years,
and has done a great job.  No hardware problems, and current uptime is
160 days (last reboot was just for Solaris 9 patches).

Price?  Make an offer.  8-)  I might consider just donating it to a worthy
cause, or will trade it for Amazon gift certificates, ham radio equipment,

The only condition is that you'll have to pick it up from where it's
currently colocated in Austin (the Onramp Access datacenter) as I have no
desire to drive 300 miles round-trip just to bring the box back home to
Houston and then pay more than its worth to pack and ship.

I mainly just need to get it out of ONR's datacenter once I'm done
using it.  If you're interested, email me.


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Doug McLaren, dougmc at frenzied.us

rescue list - http://sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue_sunhelp.org

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Doug McLaren, dougmc at frenzied.us

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