[rescue] Wanted - SGI O2 Flat panel display card

Steven M Jones smj+rescue at crash.com
Fri Nov 17 20:13:23 EST 2023

On 11/17/23 6:59 AM, Joshua D. Boyd via rescue wrote:
> There was a special AGP card, that I believe was an Oxygen brand GPU, to let you use that LCD panel on a PC.

FWIW I have a Number Nine Revolution IV card with the OpenLDI connector 
required for the 1600SW.

Wikipedia's Number Nine company page offers the following:

"In addition to a standard analogVGA connector 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VGA_connector>, the Revolution IV-FP 
(also called the Revolution IV-1600SW) had anOpenLDI 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenLDI>digital interface connector for 
theSilicon Graphics, Inc (SGI) 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Graphics>1600SW digital flat 
panel monitor. The Revolution IV-FP was one of only a few standard video 
adapters with the OpenLDI interface forSGI's 1600SW 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SGI_1600SW>digital flat panel monitor 
(some others were3Dlabs <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3Dlabs>Oxygen 
VX1-1600SW, I-O DATA GA-NF30/PCI, and Siemens Nixdorf S26361-D964 cards 
in some Siemens Nixdorf computer). ... Formac made a limited number of 
PCI cards with OpenLDI for Apple Macs."

I believe the Formac ProFormance 3 is at least one of the Mac cards 
referenced at the end.

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