[rescue] More looking for... Ultra 2 and Other Equipment

Michael Dombrowski ab1244 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 24 16:38:05 EST 2023

 To follow up on this...I was able to get the Ultra 2 less sick, using a memory configuration that was explicitly not supported in the manual. I was able to install Solaris 7 and upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Since then, I've added a lot more ram (1280mb now) and it has been running fine. I don't know if the firmware did anything, or it was just enough cycles of removing and reinstall pieces that did it. I was also able to put a new battery in the NVRAM. So I'm up and running with a single 400mhz/2mb, creator3D, gigabit, 73gb disk, and the 1280mb ram. It seems to just work nowadays.

I also took a chance on dual 400mhz/4mb CPUs. And the simple answer is that they don't fit. Not what I had expected - the 4mb CPUs have a heatsink on the back that interferes with the shrouding on the Ultra 2.
Anyone want to trade dual 400mhz/4mb cache CPUs for a single 400mhz/2mb? 

Still looking for a horizontal Elite3d or Creator3D Series 3 as well...

    On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 08:45:20 PM CST, Ethan Hawke <ehawk at ember.systems> wrote:  
400Mhz/2mb are the fastest listed supported, no idea if the 450Mhz CPUs will POST or not. What revision motherboard is in your Ultra 2?
Do you have a capture of the actual POST error messages?
 On 07/11/2023 1:40 pm, Michael Dombrowski wrote:
 I should have mentioned that I reseated the ram and swapped known good memory from my Ultra 1 without success. Pulled the Creator card. Reseated the CPU as well. I may buy another CPU as they are relatively cheap and I'd like to go dual as well... What is the top spec CPU for this machine? 400mhz/2mb is listed in the manual (and is what I have), but I seem to recall folks using 450mhz and/or more cache.
      On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 08:29:38 PM CST, Ethan Hawke via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:  
Ultra 2's are generally very reliable, I recommend reseating the CPUs and memory if you haven't already.
  On 07/11/2023 1:12 pm, Michael Dombrowski via rescue wrote:
      I finally had a chance to dig into the Ultra 2... and this is my first miss complete miss in getting back into retro computers. "Red State Exceptions" and other memory errors lead me to believe that this machine is irrecoverably sick. So I'm looking for another Ultra 2 machine. 
  The rest of my list: SS1000(E)
  TGX+ Horizontal Creator Series 3 or Elite3d M3/M6
  Tadpole 3200/Cyclequad Sparcplug Dec 5000 Indy/Indigo2 Alpha, RS6k HP 712/100mhz (complete system or logic board alone) Other weird stuff
  Still in St Louis
  thanks mike 
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