[rescue] IBM RS/6000 7043-150 Heatsink

Michael Dombrowski ab1244 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 28 10:10:19 EST 2023

I've had almost all machine types over the years, but never a RS/6000 until now. I found a 7043-150 375mhz 604e machine in rough shape, but it did include a GXT3000P which is fun. Some memory is coming in the mail, but my first problem is the lack of heatsink. The processor gets pretty hot without cooling, so I hope the ebay seller did not cook it... Knowing IBM, I'd assume there is a thermal shutdown.
Anyone have a spare heatsink for this machine? I have some generic heatsinks I can cut down and get to work with a 3d printed adapter, but I'd love to have the real thing.

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