[rescue] SGI

Jonathan Chapman lists at glitchwrks.com
Wed Oct 4 07:51:53 EDT 2023

I like Samsung SyncMaster 930B LCDs for Sun and SGI systems. They sync on green no problem.


------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 at 00:24, Thomas Pelki via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:

> Thank you very much for that information
> mine had a graphite keyboard and SGI mouse in a separate box but the box was bent 45 degrees when it arrived and so was the keyboard and mouse smashed.
> How about resources for 4:3 LCD monitors that work with SGI? I know the pinout is a bit different on the 13W3 and I picked up a 13W3 to VGA cable that has dip switches to choose from Sun SGI and something else.
> -Thomas
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 5:58 PM John-Paul Stewart via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> On 2023-10-03 00:35, Thomas Pelki via rescue wrote:
>>> Does anybody know which SGI keyboard/mouse is supposed to originally
>>> come with the indigo2 (teal)? I'm seeing multiple different keyboards
>>> and multiple different mice. I am hoping to keep it OEM when it comes to
>>> the keyboard and mouse without breaking the bank.
>> (Sorry, I meant to include this in my earlier reply but didn't.)
>> I believe the "granite" coloured keyboards & mice (i.e., the speckled
>> grey ones) were contemporary. The earlier beige keyboards might have
>> still been around for the earliest Indigo2 systems. Maybe they'd been
>> phased out already. I'm not sure. I do know the dark "charcoal" grey
>> keyboards definitely came much later, after the Indigo2 had been
>> discontinued.
>> There were (at least) two styles of granite keyboard. Either is
>> probably period appropriate. Almost all of the marketing materials show
>> the Indigo2 with granite keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
>> Also beware the Onyx/Indigo style keyboards that come in both beige and
>> granite. They look like PS/2 but aren't. DO NOT connect one to a PS/2
>> system. Fortunately, those keyboards are easy to identify since they
>> have a removable cable and matching DIN ports on either side. On one
>> side you plug the cable to the computer and then the mouse plugs in to
>> the other side of the keyboard rather than directly to the system. So
>> if you see a keyboard with detached cable and two ports, it's not what
>> you need.
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