[rescue] SGI

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Sun Oct 15 04:42:48 EDT 2023


On Wed, 4 Oct 2023 23:42:06 -0700, Thomas Pelki via rescue wrote:
> so other than IRIX, what other OS does anybody recommend for the
> indigo2 (Teal)??

I suspect you won't have much choice. I've not paid much attention to
alternative oses for SGIs for many years, but back in the day Linux ran
on the Indigo2 … with a serial port as the console. At which point
porting looked more towards the O2 which had something resembling an
ordinary framebuffer.

Before a mid-life upgrade to Octane graphics, SGI graphics were 'odd'
in the sense that the framebuffer wasn't accessible to the system in
any way. To do any kind of working at the console, you would have to
support the graphics cards fully - you couldn't just throw pixels into
a framebuffer. Hard. Especially without much in the way of

Mike Meredith (http://zonky.org/)
 "Why are we hiding from the police, daddy?"
 "Because we use vi, son, and they use emacs."

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