[rescue] [OT] S: IBM /370 or /390 card

Andrew Back andrew at carrierdetect.com
Tue Sep 12 15:40:24 EDT 2023

On 12/09/2023 20:29, Dave McGuire via rescue wrote:
> On 9/12/23 15:25, Patrik Schindler via rescue wrote:
>> IBM at one point made cards with a "mainframe type" CPU and some RAM on a card to fit in a PC. I'm interested in obtaining one for a reasonable price.
>> I'm located in Germany but have a friend travelling from/to the US regularly to aid with transport of "small things".
>     You're here too. :)
>     P/390, AT/370, etc cards typically sell for vast sums of money, when
> they do turn up, which is rare

Yes, I read that and thought how I'd like a reasonably priced desktop 
Straight 8 and a Ferranti Pegasus :o)

Well, a /370 card turned up on eBay for about $800 recently, but the 
seller would only ship within the US and it went pretty quick. I'd had 
that saved search in place for some years and it was the first result.


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