[rescue] [OT] S: IBM /370 or /390 card

Andrew Back andrew at carrierdetect.com
Tue Sep 12 16:27:08 EDT 2023

On 12/09/2023 20:54, Dave McGuire via rescue wrote:
> On 9/12/23 15:40, Andrew Back via rescue wrote:
>>>> IBM at one point made cards with a "mainframe type" CPU and some RAM on a card to fit in a PC. I'm interested in obtaining one for a reasonable price.
>>>> I'm located in Germany but have a friend travelling from/to the US regularly to aid with transport of "small things".
>>>       You're here too. :)
>>>       P/390, AT/370, etc cards typically sell for vast sums of money, when
>>> they do turn up, which is rare
>> Yes, I read that and thought how I'd like a reasonably priced desktop
>> Straight 8 and a Ferranti Pegasus :o)
>     There's a Straight-8 on eBay right now.

Saw that one. Bit rich for my blood and at that price I'd definitely 
want the better looking desktop variant and tested working.

>     We have four at LSSM now; are you ever gonna come visit? ;)

That's just greedy! I'd certainly love to, one day.

>> Well, a /370 card turned up on eBay for about $800 recently, but the
>> seller would only ship within the US and it went pretty quick. I'd had
>> that saved search in place for some years and it was the first result.
>     I wonder if the new owner got it running.  I've not heard a peep
> about anyone looking for the software etc.
>     We have an IBM 9371 at LSSM, that's the very strange box that
> contains the guts of two PS/2 Model 80s back to back, with a large stack
> of extra-tall MCA boards in it that implement a 370.  Absolutely crazy
> stuff.

That does sound pretty wild.

I'm kicking myself for not having picked up a reasonably priced 
Multiprise (~£2K) from a reseller about 11-12 years back.


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