[rescue] [OT] S: IBM /370 or /390 card

David Brownlee abs at absd.org
Wed Sep 13 10:07:34 EDT 2023

On Wed, 13 Sept 2023 at 13:57, Kenneth Seefried via rescue <
rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:

> There once was also a company that made Sun SPARCstations that occupied a
>> full-height 5 1/4" drive space, I'd love to have one of those, but I think
>> they were a bit under-powered Sun4m based systems (like an SS/5?). They
>> were called SPARCplugs:
> I had one.  It was a bit of a gimmick beyond "I need a really portable
> SPARC machine"; I did know a couple of sales reps who carried one for demos
> when the Tadpoles cost about twice as much for far less horsepower (up to
> Ross HyperSPARC @ 180MHz v TI 50MHz microSPARC).  It was more like a SS20
> cut down to 1 MBus and 1 SBus slot.  I recall it was kinda finicky about
> which MBus processors it liked beyond the Ross Hypersparcs, and had a bad
> heat problem (which I suspect is what eventually killed mine).

Still, would be nice to play with. I love that one use case was as a PC
firewall... http://www.pix.net/techpubs/ross_sparc/pdfs/sparcplg.pdf

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