[rescue] 10base2 Cable

Doug merlyn at geeks.org
Sat Apr 6 19:52:59 EDT 2024

> On Apr 6, 2024, at 6:18 PM, Michael Dombrowski via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to get a Decstation 5000/200 on my network. It only has 10base2. I have a hub with 10base2 coming, but I need a cable, does anyone have a set to sell? Pretty much any length would work, but I need terminators x2, Ts x2, and the cable.

That’s all easily obtained on Amazon isn’t it?  It’s not like 50ohm bnc coax has changed in 30 years. 

Looks like I could get all three for about $20 there. 
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