[rescue] Sun monitors

Kevin Bowling kevin.bowling at kev009.com
Wed Apr 10 15:17:20 EDT 2024

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 12:01 PM bastian.tenbergen at gmail.com <
bastian.tenbergen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Long time follower – first time poster to this list.
> Not sure if this perhaps strays too far from the topic, but I’m with a
> university and my department is liquidating our vintage-ish Sun collection.
> We have a ton of 20”L204FY LCD screens give away. Picture:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pxb1T7cWjzTkaYrxVyCx4w9TJudsT8ZM/view?usp=sharing
> Label:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/15TwfxG3we155H53mraBq7PrRdpz0SxpQ/view?usp=drive_link
> We also have one Model AI24PO, and a whole host of SunRay Gen1 and Gen2,
> Type 6 and 7 Keyboards, and some Mice, and some servers.
> Free to anyone who’s willing to come by and pick up in Central New York.
> We may ask for a donation to our student fund, 100% of proceeds will to go
> students. If this list is interested, I can post more details.
> Any interest?

I;d be interested in a couple and a couple keyboards if we can ship them.
Maybe a student can make some extra cash being a courier to a pack-and-ship

> Cheers,
> Bastian
> *__________________________________*[image: NY Oswego]
> <http://www.oswego.edu/>
> *Dr. Bastian Tenbergen *Associate Professor of Software Engineering
> Office Hours: https://bit.ly/tenbergen-office-hours-signup
> Department of Computer Science
> 427 Shineman Center
> *State University of New York at Oswego*7060 State Route 104
> Oswego, NY, 13126, USA
> T +1 (315) 312-6605
> E  bastian.tenbergen at oswego.edu
> www.tenbergen.org
> [image: 1aa3ae-22f4-4ed9-bfd4-35cb8d8633b6]
> <https://twitter.com/BTenbergen>[image: -trans]
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> 24d431-b33f-4266-8e00-6ec431907477]
> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=24491293>
> I do my best to answer your emails quickly during normal business hours
> (M-F, 8am-5pm EST), but perhaps not outside of that time. I encourage you
> to do the same.
> Look here! This ending quote is witty
> Adorns this email so pretty
> The perfect disguise
> To prevent you realize
> That the rest of this message is sh… not as clever.
> On 4/10/24, 14:50, "rescue" <rescue-bounces at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 4:07 AM silcreval via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > I've collected Sun machines for a very long time now, and still use them
> regularly.
> >
> > One thing I like to do is assemble systems with appropriate
> monitors/keyboards where I can. So if I'm using an Sparcstation 20 I like
> to have the keyboard/mouse and CRT monitor that would have been around a
> the time.
> >
> > If I'm using a Sun Blade 2000 then I will go with a Sun LCD monitor of
> the time.
> >
> > I wonder if anyone else does this - or do you go with newer LCD screens
> for convenience? As I used these systems commercially back in the 90s and
> 00s, and even as late as the 10s, I get more of the 'ambience' of the time
> if I'm using a CRT say rather than a 4K monitor 'scaling' the video on a
> 32" screen :)
> Relative to my computer collection, I have probably a 50:1 ratio of
> period correct monitors.  I wish it were higher but the collection
> originally started in my home so it never even crossed my mind to try
> to acquire the CRTs,  When they were common.. considered e-waste
> people might have had to pay to dispose of them instead of the
> collectable status.  Now that I have a dedicated facility, of course
> everything is much harder to find :)
> I am grateful for the ease at which we can build things like keyboard
> and video converters with modern electronics.  And it's often already
> done by the community.
> > One system I'd like to recreate is an Ultra 45 with what I believe would
> have been the monitor at the time - aka the 365-1434, a 24.1" LCD monitor
> which had two legs at each end of the monitor. It was probably unusual at
> the time as most monitors have just the central stand.
> >
> > These for whatever reason are hard to find in the UK, and the systems I
> see in the US are often cheap (<$100) but require a big spend on postage
> (aka $200) which together with import duty which will be added on all that
> makes it ridiculous.
> >
> > Does anyone know a source for these in the UK? I've seen a few from time
> to time.
> >
> > Just FYI - I've started putting together some photographs of systems
> with matching monitors/keyboards etc and will probably upload them
> somewhere if anyone is interested.
> >
> > - Ian
> > _______________________________________________
> > rescue list - http://sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue_sunhelp.org
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