[rescue] Ultra 2 NVRAM - failed fix

Jonathan Chapman lists at glitchwrks.com
Tue Dec 17 07:03:10 EST 2024

We've got rebuild boards, you might try applying one if you think the rework is the issue. It replaces both the battery and the clock crystal, so if you damaged the crystal that won't be an issue.

We can also rebuild (and test!) if you send in a dead one, I have a handful of spare dead M48T59 modules I can rebuild for you too.

Kinda swamped at the moment with $day_job stuff, so it'd take me probably until after the holidays to get to it.


On Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 at 03:53, silcreval via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:

> I've started restoring an Ultra 2 which I've had on the shelf for a long time.
> These are nice machines, and sort of a bridge between the older pizza box Sun's and the later Ultra 10/30/60/80. They still come with SBUS slots, but have a UPA slot for a graphics card, usually a Creator3D.
> They seem to take up to 2G of RAM. Mine has a single CPU and 256M of RAM by the looks of things (4 x 64). There are dual HD which are 4G each.
> Mine seems to work fine and even boots to my surprise. However the NVRAM is of course dead as a dodo.
> Now I've done the usual dremel job on the NVRAM, fitted a battery and then reset and re-entered the NVRAM values using MKP on the boot prompt.
> But unusually this failed to work. I'm pretty sure the soldering etc is OK, and I actually removed the old battery from the chip so there is no short from that.
> As this is not the usual M48T02 chip, it is instead a M48T59Y, I'm wondering if I'm missing something with the reset, or if the chip is just literally dead at this point?
> Thanks as ever for the help
> - Ian
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