[rescue] Free Sun T5140 parts (SF Bay area)

Safar Mashtizadeh msamit at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 01:07:59 EST 2024

Hi Chris, 
I will be in San Jose or Cupertino tomorrow afternoon to early evening, I can pick up if that works for you. 
Please let me know at 5105019937   
Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 17, 2024, at 8:47 PM, Safar Mashtizadeh <msamit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> I am interested to pick up the T5140 remains.  
> I’m in Berkeley area and can pick it up at your convenience.
> Please let me know.
> Best regards,
> Safar.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 17, 2024, at 5:57 PM, chris t via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> Hi Rescue,
>> So, some years ago I bought a T5240 from eBay.  When it arrived, I noticed it didn't have CPU heatsinks, and furthermore, when I looked at the listing, the heatsinks were clearly missing.  So, no one to blame but myself.  I asked the seller about a refund anyway, but they quite reasonably called it buyer error, and I considered it a funny learning experience.
>> Subsequently I would occasionally look for heatsinks, but I wasn't willing to spend very much, so it took some years before a listing checked all the boxes.  Eventually I bought a T5140, in as-is condition, but with the heatsinks intact.  I moved the heatsinks and a few other parts over, and now I'm giving away the rest of the machine.
>> This T5140 is missing:
>> * CPU heatsinks and bolts
>> * Power supplies
>> * Memory
>> * Drive trays (and drives)
>> * 1 SAS cable
>> * Rack rails
>> I think it has everything else.  In particular, it has:
>> * SATA DVD-ROM module
>> * Fan modules
>> * PCIe risers
>> The above parts could be sold, but I'd rather keep the machine together.  (If you want to part it out, feel free, though.)  Before I removed the heatsinks, I verified that it's the 8-core 1165MHz version by putting the board in my T5240.  So I'm confident the motherboard works, but the other parts are untested.
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