[rescue] off-topic but advice needed for the involuntary hardware upgrade for Win 11?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 18:32:09 EST 2024

I have a couple 'old' Dell T30 servers that had an updatable TPM on the MB. With a simple firmware update the on-board TPM chip was upgraded to 2.0, and Win 11 could be installed without compromise.

I was very surprised to see that, as it breathed new life into those otherwise nice low-end servers...


> On Dec 25, 2024, at 17:24, Mike Spooner via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> It's worth pointing out that Microsoft notified all OEMs in January 2016 that from April 2016 onwards (ie 2 years after the TPM 2.0 spec was published), computers would only be able to be shipped with Windows preinstalled if they were TPM-2 capable, although for a couple of years OEMs would be allowed to have it default to disabled in BIOS (but that in all cases it *must* remain enable-able in the BIOS menus).
> As always with OEMs, many flouted their contract with Microsoft regarding this. At least *some* of the TPM-requirements-anger should be directed at them. Admittedly, MS might have jumped slightly early, but they had been warning OEMs several times during 2015.
> - Mike
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