[rescue] Vaxstation 4000VLC

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Feb 25 22:31:51 EST 2024

   I beg to differ about 24MB of RAM being a limitation on a VAX.  In a 
previous life we ran an 11/750 (roughly 1/12th the speed of the VLC but 
with much better I/O) with 8MB of RAM, had a dozen people on it every 
day.  Performance was fine, some paging but not bad. (and not too 
painful with fast I/O)  24MB goes a whole lot further on a VAX than it 
would on, say, on a SPARC.

   Just had to say..


On 2/25/24 21:46, William Barnett-Lewis via rescue wrote:
> My few comments:
> 1) The VLC was a shit ton of fun.
> 2) runs VMS  just fine, if slow, with only 24mb ram.
> 3) Never let you get talked into getting rid of machines to satisfy a 
> soon to be Ex.
> 4) I may still have a keyboard, mouse, video cable and dead tree manual 
> for the VLC from the day. I will look on tomorrow morning when I get off 
> work. If I do still have them, I'll contact the OP off list.
> On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 5:18 PM John Hudak via rescue 
> <rescue at sunhelp.org <mailto:rescue at sunhelp.org>> wrote:
>     Yep, you are on the right track.  Mouser sells 3W3 connectors as
>     well.  It has been quite a while since I dealt with a VLC but a
>     couple of things stick in my mind...the were slow as molasses (VLC =
>     Very Low Cost), would only run Ultrix, DECs version of UNIX, NetBSD 
>     allegedly would run on these machines but I've never tried it.
>     Have fun
>     On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 3:29 PM Michael Dombrowski via rescue
>     <rescue at sunhelp.org <mailto:rescue at sunhelp.org>> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I've owned many interesting Unix workstations over the years,
>         but never a Vax... until now. I ended up snagging a Vaxstation
>         4000 VLC on eBay and it is en route. I've been doing some
>         background reading and wanted to query the experts here.
>         My initial goal is to get a serial console going and my
>         understanding is that I will need to get a MMJ to DB9/25 adapter
>         along with MMJ cable. The machine has a DB25 port, but this
>         can't be used for console.
>         I'd also eventually love to get a video console going.  The 3W3
>         to anything adapters seem quite rare nowadays, but it looks like
>         digikey sells 3W3 connectors so an adapter to VGA can be made
>         without too much trouble.
>         Mouse and keyboard seem to be the bottleneck. There is a project
>         out there to adapt a PS2 mouse, I haven't found one yet for
>         keyboards.
>         RAM seems standard and I have a SCSI2SD. I also have an AUI
>         transceiver on the way
>         Thanks
>         Mike
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Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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