[rescue] [not mine] 4x Netra T1-105 440mhz/512mb in Halifax, NS

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Fri Jan 19 12:00:54 EST 2024

>> If you're near Halifax, these are available as a set of 4, or
>> individually: [...]
> I'm not interested as I have several, but for anyone who doesn't know
> this model, they're very nice machines, and this is a good config.
> The 360MHz version has a small cache, but the 440MHz version's cache
> is much larger, and the machine is capable of serious work.

I'm having to argue with myself over whether I want to try to find
someone to proxy for me for these....  I really hope someone picks them
up, whether me or not.

I've got two Netras, one the 360MHz version and the other I don't have
records to be sure but probably the same.  They're nice little 1U
machines, though a faster clock and larger cache could hardly hurt.

Are there other differences between the 360MHz and 440MHz versions?
Mechanical size, disk bays, LOM, etc?

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