[rescue] Decstation 5000 Power Supply

Chris Hanson cmhanson at eschatologist.net
Tue Jun 4 02:42:30 EDT 2024

On May 31, 2024, at 6:04 PM, Michael Dombrowski via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:

> My plan is serial re-capping until I've replaced them all or have a working power supply. I did buy a LCR meter and so far the ESR is okay for the caps I have pulled. I also have a proper desoldering gun coming. Both fuses are intact.

Don’t stop partway through, replace them all. Regardless of their tested ESR, they could still be leaking or soon to fail. Replace them all if you want your system to last.

The people who say things like “Don’t replace anything unless you can prove it’s bad! You need to diagnose only when something goes wrong, and only replace the parts that are out of spec!” are doing real and severe damage to the cause of preservation, because sometimes by the time things have gotten bad enough to manifest a failure, they’ve done a lot of damage that may be difficult to repair. Recapping is preventative maintenance and there’s a reason why the term exists and is taken seriously in industries where lives and/or money are on the line.

It absolutely infuriates me that a museum actually gave a Bendix to one such idiot to ruin.

  — Chris

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