[rescue] Sun 3/50 Schematics

Peter Stokes peter at ashlyn.co.uk
Mon Mar 11 17:38:26 EDT 2024

Hi Todd

Good to see you are adding to your collection…!

Back in the day it was often the voltage translators which blew, not necessarily the TTL logic, so a quick meter through of the input should reveal the chips attached to the input line?

Worth a try if you do not come up with the schematics.


Sent from my iPad

> On 11 Mar 2024, at 20:21, Todd Vernon via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Background:
> I recently got a Sun 3/50 that seems to boot into the ROM check fine which I can witness via Serial Port A.  All attempts to interact via the keyboard fail.  I have a Null Modem cable I use with all my Sun Sparc boxes and after using breakouts and other alternate schemes Im quite sure that something in the port A input processing isn’t working.  If I fill the keyboard buffer on boot I can occasionally get the test menu to come up so something is getting through once in a while.
> Request:
> I’ve had other machines in my collection where the some of 7400 logic got shocked with a static charge and it’s relatively easy to debug and fix if you have the schematics.  I can’t seem to find 3/50 schematics out there.  If anyone has them It would be super helpful!
> Thanks!
> -t 
> Todd Vernon
> Entrepreneur | Investor
> Email: todd at toddvernon.com
> LinkedIn: toddvernon
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