[rescue] Pinout for Cobalt/Sun Qube 3 Power Supply?

Alexander Jacocks jjacocks at gmail.com
Mon May 13 16:49:06 EDT 2024

I got it working. For anyone who needs the pinout, this is correct:

  6   7
 1  8  3
  4   5

correct pinout:
1 +5vdc
2 “
3 “
4 gnd
5 gnd
6 gnd
7 12vdc
8 -12vdc
shield gnd

That is the pinout on the male connector side (power brick cable). From the
female/Qube side, the pinout has 6 and 7 reversed.

- Alex

On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 3:42 AM Plamen Mihaylov via rescue <
rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Let me check as I made few PSUs for cube3
> On Friday, May 3, 2024, Alexander Jacocks via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> I just picked up a fairly nice Cobalt Qube 3, but it did not come with a
>> power supply. I beeped out the power connector (DIN-8) on the back of the
>> chassis, knowing that it needs +12, +5, and -12 vdc, from the labeling on
>> the chassis.
>> Checking the continuity with the mosfets on the other side of the power
>> connector, on the backplane, I found the following:
>> Facing back of chassis
>> power input connector (DIN8 female)
>>   6   7
>>  1  8  3
>>   4   5
>>     2
>> 1 probably +5vdc 4430 mosfet (middle) pins 5-8 (drain)
>> 2 “
>> 3 “
>> 4 gnd
>> 5 gnd
>> 6 -12vdc 4435 mosfet (right) pins1-3 (source)
>> 7 gnd
>> 8 probably +12vdc 6690 mosfet (left) pins1-3 (source)
>> shield gnd
>> I looked up those parts, and the 4435 mosfet specifies negative voltage,
>> so I assumed that would be -12vdc. The 3 wires is clearly +5vdc, since the
>> machine says that it needs +5 at 8a. -12 at 0.5a and +12 at 1.5a are the other
>> voltages, I believe.
>> Does anyone have a working PSU that they can verify this with?
>> I made up a power supply and cable using a Mean Well RT85B supply and
>> some good quality silicone jacketed wire. I verified that nothing
>> unexpected is shorted. The PSU powers up fine, without the machine
>> attached, and all the voltages are correct. However, if I plug in the DIN8
>> cable, the PSU shuts down, clearly shorted.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> - Alex
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