[rescue] Cobalt Qube 3 Solaris?

Jonathan Chapman lists at glitchwrks.com
Mon May 20 15:48:22 EDT 2024


Unlikely you'll be able to run Solaris x86 on it, as it's not PC compatible. I think there's a NetBSD bootloader for it, I'd imagine you could coax modern Linux onto it as well with a chainloader (IIRC it has kernel naming and size restrictions as the original MIPS machines did).

I have one, I need to recap it and hack on it -- mine's got a bunch of bulging capacitors.


On Monday, May 20th, 2024 at 14:46, Alexander Jacocks via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:

> Folks,
> Has anyone attempted to run Solaris x86 on a Cobalt Qube? I have one that is a rather cool looking device, but as a web server it is of course unusable, due to (many, severe!) security issues.
> I was thinking of trying to pay tribute to the combination of Sun and Cobalt by running Solaris x86. To do that, I'd need to install a video card in the PCI slot, which I know would only be visible after boot, but I suspect that's not a big deal. The odd boot mechanism would be more the issue.
> Has anyone experimented with alternative OSes on the Qube 3 and its RaQ cousins?
> - Alex
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