[rescue] Getting back into Sun - Blade 100 or Ultra 5?

Alan Perry alanp at snowmoose.com
Thu Nov 21 17:10:34 EST 2024

A “current browser” is one that displays current web sites in a reasonable manner. Most current web sites require the bloatware.

When I am demo’ing my sun4c/4m machines with Solaris 2.4-7, I include browsing well known sites with old browsers to show how things have changed.


> On Nov 21, 2024, at 12:57, Mouse via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> A current browser would be tough, not sure of options there...
> It depends on whether you really mean "current browser" or something
> actually more like "major bloatware browser", which is what some
> entities seem to mean by that.
> If you really do mean "current", well, lynx is still being
> maintained-and-developed.
> Of course, you may have trouble because most of the modern Web insists
> on ramming HTTPS down everyone's collective throat, and the
> computational cost of HTTPS is enough to be a problem for slower
> machines (which these days includes most of what this list cares
> about).  But there's not much to be done about that, except refusing to
> have anything to do with websites that antisocial.
> /~\ The ASCII                  Mouse
> \ / Ribbon Campaign
> X  Against HTML        mouse at rodents-montreal.org
> / \ Email!         7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B
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