[rescue] Ultra 2 NVRAM - failed fix

Ethan Hawke ehawk at ember.systems
Tue Oct 29 08:54:35 EDT 2024

The M48T59Y is the chip that Sun used originally. The only difference between the 58 and 59 is that the 59 supported an alarm feature, which Sun never used. I have a 58Y in one of my U2's, and it works perfectly fine.

- Ethan

On 29 Oct 2024, 11:46 pm, at 11:46 pm, silcreval via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>Hi Jon - it looks like it is OBP 3 on this machine so the MKP prompt
>appeared to work. If I reset (rather than power down) the mac values
>are displayed in the title screen. It's just power off where everything
>is lost.
>Hi Ethan - the chip appears to work in situ, but doesn't save its
>settings. I tried the watch-clock command and that worked as expected
>(the second timer showing)
>Hi Peter - you mentioned a M48T58 - although this is definitely fitted
>with a M48T59. I wonder if the chip has been replaced previously with
>the wrong type? I've ordered a new M48T58 so will see if that works.
>Thanks for the help all, much appreciated.
>- Ian
>rescue list - http://sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue_sunhelp.org
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