[rescue] Axil320?

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Sun Feb 9 05:32:37 EST 2025

>> Snooping on Eprey, I saw a listing for an Axil320 Sparcstation 20
>> clone.  [...]

I once had an Axil machine, but I think mine was an SS2 clone.  (I
_think_ I don't have any pizza-box Suns except SS20s any longer; fairly
sure I don't have the Axil.)

>> Cables are 68 pin narrow SCSI.

...huh?  I thought narrow SCSI was 50-pin, with 68-pin being wide.

> We sold them back in the day. From memory they are full clones of the 20 so $

I'm fairly sure my SS2-clone Axil behaved just like an SS2 from a
software perspective, but I never really pushed the envelope; for
example, I think I never tried to boot any Sun software on it, only

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