[rescue] Axil320?

Angel M Alganza ama at ugr.es
Sun Feb 9 05:40:13 EST 2025

On 2025-02-09 10:51, William Barnett-Lewis via rescue wrote:

> Anyone have experience with this model of clone? Anyway to tell what
> the module is from the part number on it? 323-0014-01. Didn't see
> anything on Axil or Ross at Bitsavers, alas.

The Axil320 was my first Sparcstation ever. I got it for free from 
someone who had replaced it with a PC running MICROS~1 DOS as their 
workstation. I cannot tell whether it was running SunOS or Solaris when 
I got it, but it was running one of them just fine.

After playing around with it a little, though, I decided to try Debian 
GNU/Linux on it, which I was more familiar with. It run very well, and 
it was my main workstation at work for a few years, also running a 
webserver with my web page at work. I decommissioned it after I got an 
Ultra 1, an LX, and a PC, and I brought it home, where I tried OpenBSD 
on it, which also run very nicely. I packed it well and it's been in 
storage already for a few years.


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