[rescue] Troubleshooting thoughts
William Barnett-Lewis
wlewisiii at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 16:06:47 EST 2025
That's a really good thought. I don't have any previous experience with
mbus machines, so that didn't occur to me. I'll try that when I get home in
a bit.
On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 14:56 Mike Spooner via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> William,
> I would try it with just a single CPU module at a time (both of them, one
> at a time) - MBus modules are all very old now, and I've had an MBus module
> die completely before.
> Regards,
> Mike
> On 21 February 2025 19:17:08 GMT, William Barnett-Lewis via rescue <
> rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> Got the Axil 320 and CPUs in today.
>> I've plugged in my dell flatscreen with a sun type 13w3->VGA adapter,
>> Type 5 keyboard and mouse, and ethernet cable. There are 5 memory
>> DIMMS (one in slot 0 marked 64mb, others unmarked). I pulled the
>> single 90mhz/256cache cpu and put in the 2 147s. I haven't gotten the
>> ZuluSCSI yet but hoped to get to the prompt.
>> No such luck.
>> I do get a single beep from the keyboard, all the led's flash once and
>> then nothing more. The most concerning thing is that one of the three
>> fans - the one closest to where the drives are - isn't spinning - and
>> there is as sort of undulating sound like going up and down. I let it
>> run for a good 15 minutes in case of dead NVRAM but still nothing came
>> up on video.
>> I presume the next thing is to get a serial cable from A/B on the back
>> to my PC? Anything special I'll need for that? Then just any linux
>> terminal emulator should do.
>> William
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