[rescue] Troubleshooting thoughts

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Fri Feb 21 16:07:13 EST 2025

>> Got the Axil 320 and CPUs in today.
>> I've plugged in my dell flatscreen with a sun type 13w3->VGA
>> adapter, Type 5 keyboard and mouse, and ethernet cable.  There are
>> 5 memory DIMMS (one in slot 0 marked 64mb, others unmarked).  I
>> pulled the single 90mhz/256cache cpu and put in the 2 147s.  I
>> haven't gotten the ZuluSCSI yet but hoped to get to the prompt.

>> No such luck.

>> I do get a single beep from the keyboard, all the led's flash once
>> and then nothing more.

> I would try it with just a single CPU module at a time (both of them,
> one at a time) - MBus modules are all very old now, and I've had an
> MBus module die completely before.

Well, speaking from Sun experience - so how applicable this is really
depends on how thoroughly Sun-compatible the Axil is - unplug the
keyboard and plug into both serial ports (Suns have only one DB-25
which carries both serial ports, with port B on what RS-232 calls
"secondary" signals; eg, ttya CTS is on pin 5, where you'd expect CTS
to be on a DB-25, while ttyb CTS is on pin 13, which RS-232 calls
"Secondary Clear To Send" - I don't know whether the Axil does too).
You may need to fiddle baudrates to get comprehensible output.

Some failure modes will, for example, print something on ttyb but
nothing else, depending of course on the ROM version and the exact

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