[SPARCbook] Solaris 2.6 on a 3GS (followup #1)

Scott D. Yelich scott at scottyelich.com
Wed Aug 25 21:01:26 CDT 1999


I put Solaris 2.6 on my Sparcbook 3/GS ... and I have had decent rusults
- -- but there are still a few things:

The install process: 
Solaris 2.6  (August 1997)
Sun Jumbo Patch set (5 or so patches failed)
Tadpole 2.6 Packages 
Tadpole patch set (all patches succeeded)

At this point, I was able to boot.. get a graphical CDE, etc.  I could
fdisk the ATA disk, newfs it, and gzip -d -c a file and redirect to this
disk.  100MB out of 240 was written out -- but whenever I tried to
pkgadd -d/mnt/100mbfile... the system would hang so hard I'd have to
remove the battery.

I used a 4x CDROM.  It took about 2hours and 30 minutes to get to this
point -- with a majority of that coming from the 2.6 jumbo patch set.

My 1.2GB disk with one parition had 453335 used with 630595 avail.

The CDE is (1.2?) 2.5.1 style... not 2.7 style.  Many of the "pause" key
combinations do not work -- but can be added back in via my FAQ listing.
 Solaris 2.6 has Java 1.1.3 (where as 1.1.7 is the latest?).

The CDE right menu option for "suspend" works... and on a reboot -- the
system goes into a screen lock mode.  The shutdown also has a different
screen while shutting down (pics to come soon).

I put the 2.6 patches and stuff in /patches (28MB), so the sizes below
are including the patches -- which will be removed as soon as I'm sure
they are all installed correctly.

I added packages (in this order):

- -------	---------------	
608	gcc
496	emacs 20.3
474	comm 4.51
425	ie5 w/ole
247	StarOffice -- doesn't find 2.6 java, installs 1.1.7 runtime
237	perl 5.00404
231	fileutils

I added a few other packages such as tcp wrappers, ssh, ipfilter, etc.

At this point, I've run fbconfig -m 2 (and put that in the fbinit file)
... but my screen appears to have fewer than 256 colors.  It would
appear that the machine should support 16bpp and/or 32bpp -- but I'm not
able to get that to come up so far.

I'll get more information on which of the patches for solaris 2.6
failed... as well as why the ATA disk seems to cause problems.


Version: 2.6.2


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