[SPARCbook] Memory

Matthew Haas wedge at lightlink.com
Sun Jun 25 10:06:45 CDT 2000

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Bob Hoekstra wrote:
> I've recently got a 3GX with only 32MB. Does anyone know a reasonably
> inexpensive source of a memory upgrade in the UK?

I'd say look on Ebay... There are often several auctions on there for 32MB
Parity SIMMs... and in some cases, upon asking the seller, they turn out
to be the right height... I recently upgraded my SPARCbook 3GX to 64MEGs
with the purchase of two such SIMMs via Ebay-- $48 a SIMM, $7 shipping
(YMMV). If you want I can look up the seller's e-mail address, he said he
had lots more.

 -    |||       Atari 8-bit!  Star Wars * SPARCbook 3GX * SUMMER!!    -
-     |||      400/800/XL/XE  Battlestar: Galactica * SPARC * Linux    -
- |  | | |  | 2600/5200/7800  NetBSD1.4.2 * StarTrek * Galaga * SCSI   -
 - ||  |  ||     Lynx/Jaguar  Star Raiders * Descent * Voltron * UNIX -

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