[SPARCbook] Quick sparcbook question

Peter L. Wargo sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Wed Jan 24 10:31:55 CST 2001

on 1/24/01 8:15, Martin Wedel at sun at minor-element.net wrote:

> I've read the FAQ's but I'm still not positive about one thing. Does the
> GS have the same display as the GX (800x600) or does it use the 640x480
> like my XP uses?

The GS and GX share the same display.  I have a GS, and am very happy with
it.  For most things, I don't notice the loss of 25MHz...

-Pete W.

Peter L. Wargo / pwargo at basenji.com
owner/operator of basenji.com
340 Cypress Crest Terrace
Escondido, CA 92025

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