[SPARCbook] CPU speed on Ultrabook

Paul Douglas paul at douglasfamily.au.com
Thu Nov 13 12:43:13 CST 2003


I have an Ultrabook I, 200MHz CPU speed.  According to the manual, it should run 
at 100MHz when running on battery to conserve power.  I've chosen Economy mode 
within powertool, and the pm.cf file is the original (showing E=100 etc).  
However, it runs at 200, and there doesn't seem to be any way of slowing it 
down.  The slide that appears under CPU speed in the main power management 
window is greyed and doesn't work.

I wonder if there's any way of manually slowing it down?  If I start the machine 
on battery and it's not particularly highly charged, it does detect this and 
sets CPU speed to 100 while still going through the boot process, so it's 
obviously possible.

Does anyone know how much difference to battery life it would make?  I get about 
35 mins, maybe a bit more with lcd on min brightness.  The manual says max is 
about 1 hour.  It may be that the battery isn't capable of much more, even with 
CPU speed at min.


Paul Douglas

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