[Sunhelp] Using 'rlogin' Command

Jarrett Carver solarboyz1 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 21 04:34:17 CST 2000

Have you checked the /etc/hosts file on the solaris machine to ensure that 
the entry for the Linux machine is correct? The name in the .rhosts file has 
to be in the /etc/hosts file and the IP address has to be correct.

Just a thought,

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Trevor Chandler" <trevorc1653 at email.msn.com>
Reply-To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
To: <sunhelp at sunhelp.org>
Subject: [Sunhelp] Using 'rlogin' Command
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 01:58:59 -0600

Hello all,

I am running Solaris 7 on a pentium-based
machine, and Red Hat Linux (release 5.2) on
a pentium-based machine also.

On each machine, I have identical accounts
with identical passwords.

I tried to setup my Linux and Solaris machines
so that I could run the 'rlogin' command from
my Linux (local) machine to connect to my
Solaris (remote) machine.  Without the inclusion
of the .rhosts file, I am prompted for a password --
just as I expect.  When I include the .rhosts file
on the Solaris machine, I am still prompted for
a password.

The .rhosts file is in the login (home) directory of the
login account (on the Solaris machine) that is
identical to the login account on the Linux machine.

The login account name is: kareem1
The password is: jabbar1
The hostname for the Linux machine is: mach1
The hostname for the Solaris machine is: mach2

Therefore, the entry in the .rhosts file on the
solaris machine (mach1) should be:

       mach1      kareem1

Any guesses as to why I am still being prompted
for a password, even with the correct entry in
the .rhosts file, in the correct login directory, on
the correct hosts.

If I setup the same scenario, but this time attempting
'rlogin' from the Solaris machine to the Linux machine --
BINGO.  Just as I would expect things to work.

Why is the Linux machine (apparently) cooperating
by allowing 'rlogin' to happen from the Solaris side, but
the Solaris machine ain't allowing the Linux machine to

Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time to
read and respond to my question.

Trevor C.
trevorc at netzero.net

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