[Sunhelp] Ultra5 as Internet gateway via modem ...

dhansen at zebra.net dhansen at zebra.net
Thu Sep 7 10:20:06 CDT 2000

> Hello Sunhelpers, ;)
> Since I am rather new to Solaris I have some probably newbie questions...

 That's what "Sunhelp" is all about. :)

> I have a private network with some UNIX and Linux machines ... 
> Right now I have configured the Linux PC as a Internet Gateway using ipchains
> .... ;)
> Now my questions ... how can I configure Solaris to establish a ppp modem link
> to my ISP and to get it act as Internet gateway, since I want to replace the PC
> with it ..;)

  Use aspppd to establish the ppp connection. Get and install ipf and nat to perform
"ip forwarding" and "network address translations". (aspppd also does "dial on
demand", but you can always use something else like pppd if you prefer. I still don't
understand the aversion to aspppd that so many users tend to spout out about.)

> I use on the linux box wvdial .... is there something similar ..?
> I have a standard 56k V.90 external modem attached to the PC ... can I use it

 "standard" and "PC" in the same sentence sound like a prelude to a punch line. :)
Seriously though, there isn't much of a "standard"  for modems in an x86 world
unless it is  U.S.R., true HAYES or a (bleh) WINmodem. The latter is going to be
completely useless to you. But as long as you have a real modem (read not a 
software driven, hardware lacking WINmodem) then all you have to do is set up your
appropriate com port (remember that numbering begins at 0 (zero) and not 1 (one))
and then plug in whatever init codes your modem requires into your aspppd (or alternate
*pppd application) configuration.

> ...? 
> If yes, how ... ? 
> And how do I configure it for ip-masquerading and forwarding ... ? (IPchains ..?)

 IPF and NAT have incredibly easy to understand directions, try them out and re-post
if you have any specific questions on either process.

> Please help me to get rid of the intel PC crap ...!!! ;)

 Donate it to a family member or friend.

> I have one PC(Linux), 1 sgi Indigo2, 1 Sun Ultra5 360 and an Apple Powerbook G3
> 500 ... which then should have access to the internet via the Sun ... 

 Nice little collection you have there.

> Second issue ... I have a Standard PC Hadrdisk Drive (IBM 5400rpm IDE )... 
> Can I build it into the Ultra5 ... ? I'd like to know how ..?
> And how to make it useable for Solaris (Formatting ...) 

 The Ultra 5's and 10's are IDE internally (part of a move to make them more cost
effective), should be rather trivial if you've done hardware work before. As for
formatting, labelling and newfs'ing the drive, just check out one of the Solaris FAQs
mentioned below.

> ANY HELP is greatle appreciated .... it would be probably enough just to point
> me to the right url's where I can get the information. ;)

  http://www.sunhelp.org     scroll down and look through the many FAQs and help
files pointed out there.


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