[Sunhelp] Solaris8 x86

dhansen at zebra.net dhansen at zebra.net
Mon Sep 11 13:10:13 CDT 2000

>Still coming to grips with the Solaris 8 file system.
>Trying to make ssh2
>ld.so.1: ./ssh-keygen2: fatal: libncurses.so.5: open failed: No such file
>or directory Killed
>LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib; export PATH
>Anyone else had problems with SSH under solaris 8?
>Clayton Winter, clayton at webdata.com.au
>Systems Administration

 Is this a typo, or have you tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/whatever;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH yet?
If so, have you also verified that the file exists, lives where $LD_LIBRARY_PATH can see
it and that
the permissions haven't been altered on it?

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