[SunHELP] Configuring network on Solaris 9

Patrick de Ruiter patrickr at nedstat.nl
Thu Sep 2 03:11:46 CDT 2004

Sorry guys,
My mistake :(


-----Original Message-----
From: sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Charu Kamath
Sent: donderdag 2 september 2004 9:32
To: The SunHELP List
Subject: RE: [SunHELP] Configuring network on Solaris 9

ya true.
IP address of Default gateway is present in /etc/defaultrouter file.

regards Charu

-----Original Message-----
From: Predrag Zecevic - Solaris System Administrator
[mailto:predrag.zecevic at 2e-systems.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:57 PM
To: The SunHELP List
Subject: Re: [SunHELP] Configuring network on Solaris 9


I am confused: isn't it /etc/defaultrouter file which contains IP 
address of gateway?
So, you can change it to change gateway... (don't forget to delete 
default route if it is wrong ...).

Regards ;-)

Patrick de Ruiter wrote:

>Hi Miguel,
>Check with the dmesg command to see if your network card is found.
>If not check the Solaris hcl to see if it's supported on solaris.
>For the gateway issue, you can set the default gateway in the file
>/etc/default/gateway .
>Hope this helps.
>Patrick de Ruiter
>-----Original Message-----
>From: sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org]On
>Behalf Of Miguel Cardenas
>Sent: woensdag 1 september 2004 21:46
>To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
>Subject: [SunHELP] Configuring network on Solaris 9
>Hello list
>I've just installed Solaris 9 for x86, but have a little problem, the
>card was not recognized, I guess that 'cos can't even ping to and from the
>outside solaris box, I get
>ICMP Host Unreachable from gateway localhost (
> for icmo from localhost ( to mysolarisbox (
> is a linux box, both of them are connected in a home 
LAN and have
>internet access thru a router... when configuring network at 
install choosed
>"Detect" in the router seccion (instead of specify one or none...
>How can I fix that? am new to solaris, know linux and a bit of freebsd, so
>move inside the system and edit configurations, but need it to be conneced
>internet so I can work directly from the solaris...
>All I need is a solaris working with a compiler to port a software,
>to my LAN and internet, that's all...
>Thanks for your help!
>P.S. Is there a graphic utility included to configure the system?
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| Predrag Zecevic | e-Mail: Predrag.Zecevic at 2e-Systems.COM |
| 2e Systems GmbH |              Tel: (+49)[0]6107 989 415 |
|Im Taubengrund 12|              Fax: (+49)[0]6107 989 494 |
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SunHELP maillist  -  SunHELP at sunhelp.org
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