[SunHELP] Running a SUN 3/60 in a large VME SUN System

Barry Keeney barryk at chaoscon.com
Sat Jan 25 21:34:40 CST 2020

On Sat, 25 Jan 2020, Freud-Schiller at gmx.net wrote:

> Hi all,
> can I put a SUN 3/60 in a large VME System like SPARCserver 670MP ? Will
> it run with the 670MP CPU Board sitting next to it?

    I used to run several 3/50's and 3/60's in a desk side 3/??? VME box
with the built in wheels, me and some of my friends used to play Xtrek
and nettrek on them..  Not sure about the pinouts on the VME bus on
the 670's but if I remember correctly the 3/50's and 60's only used the
power pins on the VME bus. They were never designed for more then the
single VME board so why would they use any of the other pins for anything
else (maybe as diag points?, just a guess).

   I wouldn't try it with any of the 670 boards, If the 3/60 is using
the extra VME bus pins for anything non-standard could cause damage
to one or both...

   But if you still want to try, I'd make sure that both boards work by
themselves first before try both together...

   I with I still had the 3/??? chasis, I could load it up again and
get the gang together again for a few games....

Barry Keeney
Chaos Consulting
email barryk at chaoscon.com

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